
The weighted horizontal linear complementarity problem on a Euclidean Jordan algebra


迟晓妮 副教授(桂林电子科技大学)





A weighted complementarity problem (wCP) is to find a pair of vectors belonging to the intersection of a manifold and a cone such that the product of the vectors in a certain algebra equals a given weight vector. If the weight vector is zero, we get a complementarity problem. Examples of such problems include the Fisher market equilibrium problem and the linear programming and weighted centering problem. In this paper we consider the weighted horizontal linear complementarity problem (wHLCP) in the setting of Euclidean Jordan algebras and establish some existence and uniqueness results. For a pair of linear transformations on a Euclidean Jordan algebra, we introduce the concepts of R0, R, and P properties and discuss the solvability of wHCLPs under nonzero (topological) degree conditions. A uniqueness result is stated in the setting of Rn. We show how our results naturally lead to interior point systems.